I graduated from college last weekend. Seriously. I did it!
I am in the twilight of a very fulfilling and rewarding corporate career, in addition to my musical endeavors, so what will a college degree get me now? Why invest time and money in college credits? Why steal years of personal time from my friends and family to read text books, complete assignments, write papers and heaven forbid, take a million tests? I did it because it was always a dream of mine to graduate from college. Dreams matter. Education matters. In the weirdest of ways, this college degree completes me. I hope it sets a positive example for my children and grandchildren, friends and colleagues to see that intention + effort + ambition + dedication =
Dream Achieved.
I had a dream of completing my own record album. There were stops and starts, and lots of derailment over the course of a several decades. Then one day I found the inspiration to make my dream a priority. This inspiration came from a very sad place, but it was motivation to set some goals, forge the time, finish the songs and lyrics, spend the money, make the scary call to a recording studio and dive in. This is when Raised By Fred and Alice became real. My album "Redemption" was recorded and released. "Love or Money" was just released with more new singles to come.
Dream achieved.
What are your dreams?
There are no stupid answers when they're your dreams. Write them down. Say them out loud. Think to yourself, What If? Research, explore, investigate the ways in which your dream can be met. List the steps. Define time-lines. Save money. Share your dreams to find support amongst your family, friends, community; people who believe in you and can cheer you on no matter how tough it might get. Lean on folks who will keep you moving forward or pick you up when you trip and falter. This inner circle is where life becomes magical, achievement-oriented, uplifting! Trust me, the journey itself will be remarkable. It's good to live on the other side of a positive achievement.
The old cliché is true: Life is so damn short. Dream big. Dream for today. Achieve your Dream.
Yes. You can.
#faithbasedrockmusic #christianrockmusic #80srockmusic #supportlivemusic #RBFAmusic #f5soundhouse #redemptioncd #loveormoney #beapositiveinfluence #positivity #achievement #goaloriented #dreambig #liveyourdream #raisedbyfredandalice #UWRF #universityofwisconsin #2022grad #monsterdogstudios